Search help
You can search for:
- Holdings
- Full or part of the name of the author or a mentioned person
- The description, content, definition, title and other attributes with free choice of keywords
- The full or part of the name of the author or a mentioned person in a sorted list.
- The items by shelf number
- The items by ID number
Sorting the selected data is possible by
- the holdings
- the appellation
- the description, content, definition, title
- the shelf number
- the ID
All holdings can be displayed in a list or be narrowed down by a name or a content related word or fragment of a word.
The search results can be listed by clicking on the 'search' button after setting the search and listing terms.
The terms and the number of chosen items will appear above the list. A short description of the items will be available.
By pressing the button at the beginning of the line of an item you can expand the full description with illustrations.
By pressing the ?return button? at the end of the page you can return to the list where you can choose other items.